Interview With Real Life Superhero Smoke

Posted: 11/28/2011 in Superhero

Interview done by Michael Wilkerson

MW: Please introduce yourself?
S: My name is Smoke, and I am a Real Life Superhero.

MW: How did Smoke come about?
S: I decided to become a Real Life Superhero after I had a few traumatic events happen to me. I wanted to do something about the crime ridden communities that our societies have become.

MW: Tell me all about Smoke?
S: I have been an avid Martial Artist and Parkour Traceur practitioner for many many years, and that is what I do during my free time, besides work.

MW: Where do you fight crime?
S: Mostly San Francisco, though I do also patrol around the suburban areas of the city as well.

MW: What does it mean to be a Real Life Superhero?
S: To me, being a Real Life Superhero means doing extraordinary deeds, such as fighting crime, and handing provisions out to those less fortunate.

MW: Do you feel the world needs more superheroes?
S: Definitely, though, not just anyone can go out and be a superhero. Mentally and physically, they have to be ready for anything.

MW: Did you make your superhero suit yourself?
S: Yes, as you can see on my suit, it is very practical for running and fighting.

MW: What would you like to say in closing?
S: Good will prevail!!

  1. […] Real Life Superhero Smoke 11/28/11 […]

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