Archive for the ‘Deal Hunters’ Category


Interview By Mike Wilkerson

MW: So Scott Tassone AKA Scott TheMover Tassone it was announced that you were to be on the upcoming show Deal Hunters and Then It Was Announced that you would not be on it what happen?
ST: AHH Well that’s a funny complicated question. I approached Lori & Brandon Bernier about trying to get as many cast members from Storage Hunters that we could and re-making an auction show. We got Cam, Dan D., PaPa Bear & The 3 of us it was to be set and an equal share project. Why I guess I’m just that stupid!! I’m laugh now because I think way back why I had to file suit against A lot of the cast from Storage Hunters for slander and defamation that was settled in court but left my wife and I broke and out of work, I guess with what I’m about to say a lot makes sense!! Some might know this and some don’t – In 2008 I was in the mortgage business life was good until mortgage bubble busted. I received a call saying not to send out funds that would have cost people their homes and I did it anyway because I could not see those families’ out in the street for The Big Banks and Wall Streets Greed and demise. Ref The Movie The Big Short I was the little fish that took the brunt of the storm for the big guys I was hit with 9 felonies that after fighting in court for 3 years I took a plea deal of 60 Days House arrest and 3 Years’ Probation. That ended years ago I’ve not had even a traffic tick since then and have done more good for my community then bad. Yes going broke did leave some losing money who enjoy slamming me on the net. I worked hard for redemption I take pride in learning what the word integrity means and how to apply it in my life. So with that said why I’m not on the show is Lori & Brandon Bernier I guess have lead a perfect life because they can’t get past my past my past even after I passed TRU TVs Background check and countless others prior to our project. Then to find out that Brandon had told me that Joey Olson was a LAPD and he is a Civil Servant & that Critter Miller was on Sons of Anarchy prior and that was a lie too. So because in my life I had a league issue and I owe a wing not money that I will never pay because of the slander he has done against my name I feel we are even. So I Walked I don’t want to be around people who don’t know the word redemption and that start out by lying to us all and bringing in their personal friends to make the table uneven for the old cast with our permission.
MW: Wow Scott That’s a lot What’s Next for you?
ST: Well with some great friends in the business and some Key Members of the cast The Show will go on Without Lori & Brandon Bernier You will see Cam, T Money and I Hope Jessie will sign on we are reaching out to him now & Desert Dan. And there are a few others that I am going to make offers too as well. As for the name of the show I can’t say just yet but you can expect to see it worldwide mid-March
MW: Scott I just don’t know what more to say?
ST: I know that they will all block me now I ask you all to share this post so the TRUTH is out about me and the haters can go away and the rest can come for the fun ride!! This is about me and what happen on this show. And when my X Chrissy reads this she is going to say I told you SO!!!!! THOSE PEOPLE ARE BAD!!! She was right Again!!!! They were the reason she didn’t want our daughter to film. MY X Supports my daughter and her love of the arts and her ability’s as a child in business she is a tough kid and can hold her own against anyone
So See You Real SOOOON Scott Tassone AKA Scott TheMover Tassone



Interview Done By Mike Wilkerson

MW: Please introduce yourselves?
L&BB: Hey there its Brandon and Lori otherwise known as Team Brandori.
MW: What happened with Storage Hunters?
L&BB: Storage Hunters is still currently shown even still on the Reelz channel as well as all over the world.
MW: Were you all surprised when Storage Hunters was no more?
L&BB:  We were a bit surprised as the show was still pulling in good numbers both here and in the UK.  We did however see this coming as there was a lot of misdirection.
MW: Why did you two not do Storage Hunters: UK?
L&BB: We did not do the UK version because we just were not interested in appearing on that version.
MW: What have you been doing since Storage Hunters?
L&BB: Since Storage Hunters we have been working on several different projects some of which we still have interest in and you just might see in the future.
MW: What do you miss most about the show?
L&BB: The main thing we missed about the show was the Friendly competition between us and the other cast members as well as all the great places we went to while we were filming.
MW: What can you tell me about the new show Deal Hunters?
L&BB: The New show Deal Hunters as you can see has a lot of familiar faces from the original however you are going to see all different types of auctions as well as more of the selling aspect. We are going to blow away the old show!
MW: The Deal Hunters Facebook has grown over night. What would you like to say to your fans?
L&BB: We sent out invites to the page right after creating it and in a matter of 1 hour 40 minutes we had over 500 likes and it continues to grow. We know what the fans have been asking for and we thought it was time we give it to them! We love our fans and are so happy to have the opportunity to interact with them again. We all have some of the BEST fans in the world!
MW: How can fans reach out to you?
L&BB: They can find us on the Facebook fan page follow the url:
MW: What would you all like to say in closing?
L&BB: In closing we would like to thank you and all our fans for being just as excited as we are about this project and we can’t wait to share it with everyone!!!!! We also want to thank our other cast members with all of us working together it has made this a reality!