Archive for the ‘Ketchup Entertainment’ Category

In February 2012, an entire nation of basketball fans unexpectedly went `Linsane.’ Stuck in the mire of a disappointing season, the New York Knicks did what no other NBA team had thought about doing. They gave backup point guard Jeremy Lin an opportunity to prove himself. He took full advantage, scoring more points in his first five NBA starts than any other player in the modern era, and created a legitimate public frenzy in the process. Linsanity is a moving and inspirational portrait of Jeremy Lin. It chronicles his path to international stardom, the adversities he faced along the way, his struggles to overcome stereotypes and how he drew strength from his faith, family and culture.

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In an attempt to heal from the deterioration caused by the pressures of sudden fame and too much alcohol, famous Beat author Jack Kerouac escapes to an isolated, mist-shrouded cabin in the primitive landscape of the Big Sur woods. Instead of finding the peace he desires, he is foiled once again by his own inner demons and sets off on a visceral collision course of paranoia, sex, delirium tremens, misery and madness.

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