Archive for the ‘Famous Movie Quotes’ Category


Sergeant Taggart:
We’re more likely to believe him than some foul-mouthed jerk from out of town.

Axel Foley:
“Foul-mouthed”? Fuck you!

Axel Foley:
Don’t you think I realize what’s going on here, miss? Who do you think I am, huh? Don’t you think I know that if I was some hotshot from out of town that pulled inside here and you guys made a reservation mistake, I’d be the first one to get a room and I’d be upstairs relaxing right now. But I’m not some hotshot from out of town, I’m a small reporter from “Rolling Stone” magazine that’s in town to do an exclusive interview with Michael Jackson that’s gonna be picked up by every major magazine in the country. I was gonna call the article “Michael Jackson Is Sitting On Top of the World,” but now I think I might as well just call it “Michael Jackson Can Sit On Top of the World Just As Long As He Doesn’t Sit in the Beverly Palm Hotel ‘Cause There’s No Niggers Allowed in There!”

Axel Foley:
Tell Victor that Ramon – -the fella he met about a week ago? – -tell him that Ramon went to the clinic today, and I found out that I have, um, herpes simplex 10, and I think Victor should go check himself out with his physician to make sure everything is fine before things start falling off on the man.

Axel Foley:
Disturbing the peace? I got thrown out of a window! What’s the fuckin’ charge for getting pushed out of a moving car, huh? Jaywalking?

Police Chief Hubbard:
What’s this man doing here?

Axel Foley:
Bleeding, sir.

Axel Foley:
If something happens to her…

Victor Maitland:
Hmmm…? I’m all ears.

Axel Foley:
I’ll kill you.

Victor Maitland:
Really? That would be a neat trick.

Detective Rosewood:
Wow. You know, it says here that by the time the average American is fifty, he has five pounds of undigested red meat in his bowels.

Sergeant Taggart:
Why are you telling me this? What makes you think I have any interest in that at all?

Detective Rosewood:
Well, you eat a lot of red meat.

Police Chief Hubbard:
Is this man?

Lieutenant Bogomil:
Yes sir!

Police Chief Hubbard:
Is this the gentleman who crashed through Victor Maitland’s window? Who disabled an unmarked unit with a banana?

Lieutenant Bogomil:
Yes sir!

Police Chief Hubbard:
Who lured Taggart and Rosemont into a gross dereliction of duty at a striptease establishment?

Detective Rosewood:
Ah, it’s RoseWOOD, sir!

Lieutenant Bogomil:
Yes sir!

Police Chief Hubbard:
Is this the gentleman who ruined the buffet at the Harrow Club this morning?

Lieutenant Bogomil:
Yes sir!

Police Chief Hubbard:
I just bet you are the pride of your department in Detroit. Lieutenant, I’d like to see you in your office.

Lieutenant Bogomil:
Yes sir!

Axel Foley:
Hey Jenny, don’t worry about me. We got coffee and cocaine here. We’re gonna get wired and have a big party.

Todd is looking for you. He is really pissed. You know what he said? He said this is your worst fuck up ever. Personally, I don’t think that’s true.

Axel Foley:
The chief didn’t chew it all off, you still got a little ass left.

Axel Foley:
Before I go, I just want to say one thing. The supercop story… was working. And you guys just messed it up. I’m still trying to figure you guys out, but I haven’t yet. But it’s cool, though. You just fuck up a perfectly good lie.

Axel Foley:
You believe that? What the fuck are you, cops or doormen?

Axel Foley:
I ain’t never been in no cell that had a phone in it. Can I stay for a while? I ordered some pizza.

Axel Foley:
This is the cleanest and nicest police car I’ve ever been in my life. This thing is nicer than my apartment.

Axel Foley:
Billy, you don’t have to be embarrassed if your dick gets hard. That’s the whole object of this. Taggart’s dick is hard but he won’t let you know ’cause he’s the boss. Boss’ dick got to stay limp, right? See, I ain’t on duty so my dick can be hard.

Detective Rosewood:
All they told me to do was to drive you out of town. Now I’m gonna screw that up, too.

Axel Foley:
Is this your car?

Jenny Summers:
Oh, no. In Beverly Hills we just take whichever car is closest.

Axel Foley:
Gimme the keys! I’m gonna follow them!

Jenny Summers:
Have you ever driven a Mercedes before?

Axel Foley:
No, but a car is a car! I drive my car every day!

Jenny Summers:
I’m driving. I’ve seen your car.

Axel Foley:
Oh shit, that’s cold.

Bonded Warehouse Clerk #1:
Have you got some kind of warrant for this?

Axel Foley:
You know, you have a very big mouth, sir! Are you hiding something from me? Is that it? I bet you that is your Porsche that’s parked front, isn’t it? How would you like me to have the IRS come down here and crawl up your ass with a fucking microscope? They’ll do it! I’ve seen them do it! It’s not a pretty sight! I want you to know something, pal! I want ALL of y’all to know something! I can have twenty five agents down here in fifteen minutes to march in here, snatch your bonds out from underneath you and you’d be out of business, PERMANENTLY, if I don’t start getting some cooperation! Is that understood?

Bonded Warehouse Night Supervisor:
Don’t get upset, Inspector! We’ll give you anything you need! Right, guys?

Bonded Warehouse Security Guard:
Anything you need!

Bonded Warehouse Clerk #1:
No sir, that’s not my Porsche! I don’t know who it belongs to!

Axel Foley:
Don’t you want to hear my side of the story?

Inspector Douglas Todd:
What’s your fucking side of the story?

Axel Foley:
You can’t go in because you’re a cop in this town. You go in there without probable cause, they’re gonna call it an illegal search. Or didn’t they teach you that in cop school?

Axel Foley:
Can you put this in a good spot? ‘Cause all of this shit happened the last time I parked here.

Victor Maitland:
Now listen my tough little friend, I don’t know from what stone you crawled, or where you get these ideas about me, but it seems painfully obvious that you don’t have the slightest fucking idea who you are dealing with. So My advice to you is why don’t you crawl back to your little stone in Detroit before you get squashed.

Axel Foley:
Hey, we’re talking about a friend of mine here!

Inspector Douglas Todd:
Yes we are, aren’t we? Now lets take a close look at that. 1) A hoodlum friend. 2) A professional hit. 3) In a cops apartment. This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

Axel Foley:
How do you know it was a professional hit?

Inspector Douglas Todd:
I didn’t just walk in here from the corn fields. Whoever popped your little buddy wasn’t worried about your little narrow ass. Otherwise, you’d be in the back of that meat wagon with him.

Detective Rosewood:
Everything he said about Maitland is right. Now he’s kidnapped a woman and he’s got her in this house.

Sergeant Taggart:
Well, let’s go in there and get her.

Axel Foley:
What the fuck do you think I’m trying to do here?

Sergeant Taggart:
You’re not doing anything!

Axel Foley:
Coffee grounds…

Jenny Summers:

Axel Foley:
You know what this stuff is used for?

Jenny Summers:
Yeah, some people filter hot water through it and drink it.

Axel Foley:
Yeah, and I also know people who filter hot water through it and drink it in the morning.

Sergeant Taggart:
Police! Move and I’ll kill you!

Sergeant Taggart:
Jesus Christ!

Axel Foley:
Man, these guys are serious.

Detective Rosewood:
I hate machine guns!

Detective Rosewood:
Police! You’re all under arrest!

Sergeant Taggart:
You do that again, I’ll shoot you myself!

Cigarette Buyer:
You know if you wanna be a fuckin asshole, you can take the whole load and smoke ’em yourself!

Axel Foley:
I don’t smoke Lucky Strikes man, I smoke King-Sized Kents!


You don’t like flying, do you?

John McClane:
What gives you that idea?

You want to know the secret to surviving air travel? After you get where you’re going, take off your shoes and your socks then walk around on the rug bare foot and make fists with your toes.

John McClane:
Fists with your toes?

I know, it sounds crazy. Trust me, I’ve been doing it for nine years. Yessir, better than a shower and a hot cup of coffee.

John McClane:

John McClane:
It’s okay. I’m a cop. Trust me, I’ve been doing this for eleven years.

Harry Ellis:
Hey babe, I negotiate million dollar deals for breakfast. I think I can handle this Eurotrash.

Oh my God, the quarterback is toast.

John McClane:
You throw quite a party. I didn’t realize they celebrated Christmas in Japan.

Joseph Takagi:
Hey, we’re flexible. Pearl Harbor didn’t work out so we got you with tape decks.

Joseph Takagi:
You want money? What kind of terrorists are you?

Hans Gruber:
Who said we were terrorists?

John McClane:
C’mon baby, come ta’ papa, I’ll kiss ya’ fuckin’ dalmatian.

John McClane:
A hundred million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill one with feet smaller than my sister.

Attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only…

John McClane:
No fucking shit, lady. Do I sound like I’m ordering a pizza?

Hans Gruber:
“Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho.”

Hans Gruber:
I thought I told all of you, I want radio silence until further…

John McClane:
Ooooh, I’m very sorry Hans. I didn’t get that message. Maybe you should’ve put it on the bulletin board. I figured since I’ve waxed Tony and Marco and his friend here, I figured you and Karl and Franco might be a little lonely, so I decided to give you a call.

Hans Gruber:
Eh, that’s… very kind of you, considering you are a mysterious party crasher. You are most troublesome, for a security guard.

John McClane:
Bzzzt. Sorry Hans, wrong guess. Would you like to go for Double Jeopardy where the scores can really change?

John McClane:
Whoa, these are very bad for you.

Hans Gruber:
Who are you then?

John McClane:
Just a fly in the ointment, Hans. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the ass.

Hans Gruber:
Mister Mystery Guest? Are you still there?

John McClane:
Yeah, I’m still here. Unless you wanna open the front door for me.

Hans Gruber:
Uh, no I’m afraid not. But you have me at a loss. You know my name but who are you? Just another American who saw too many movies as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he’s John Wayne? Rambo? Marshall Dillon?

John McClane:
Was always kinda’ partial to Roy Rogers actually. I really dig those sequined shirts.

Hans Gruber:
Do you really think you have a chance against us, Mister Cowboy?

John McClane:
Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.

Hans Gruber:
“When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.” The benefits of a classical education.

Dwayne T. Robinson:
We don’t know shit, Powell. If there’s hostages in there, how come no one’s come to us with ransom demands? If there’s terrorists in there, where’s their list of demands? All we know is that whoever shot your car up is probably the same silly sonofabitch you’ve been talking to on that radio.

Sergeant Al Powell:
Excuse me sir. But what about the body that fell out the window?

Dwayne T. Robinson:
Well who knows? Maybe some stockbroker, got depressed.

Sergeant Al Powell:
In fact, I think he’s a cop. Maybe not LAPD, but he’s definitely a badge.

Dwayne T. Robinson:
How do you know that?

Sergeant Al Powell:
A hunch, things he said. Like being able to spot a phony ID.

Dwayne T. Robinson:
Jesus Christ, Powell, he could be a fucking bartender for all we know.

Hans Gruber:
I wanted this to be professional. Efficient, adroit, cooperative, not a lot to ask. Alas, your Mr. Takagi did not see it that way, so he won’t be joining us for the rest of his life.

John McClane:
Take *this* under advisement, jerkweed.

FBI Agent Johnson:
I’m Agent Johnson, this is Special Agent Johnson. No relation.

Hans Gruber:
This time John Wayne does not walk off into the sunset with Grace Kelly.

John McClane:
That was Gary Cooper, asshole.

FBI Agent Johnson:
Figure we take out the terrorists. Lose twenty, twenty-five percent of the hostages.

FBI Special Agent Johnson:
I can live with that.

Holly Gennero McClane:
After all your posturing, all your speeches, you’re nothing but a common thief.

Hans Gruber:
I am an exceptional thief, Mrs. McClane. And since I’m moving up to kidnapping, you should be more polite.

Dwayne T. Robinson:
They’re gonna need some more FBI guys, I guess.

John McClane:
Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.

John McClane:
Now I know what a TV dinner feels like.

Holly Gennero McClane:
I have a request.

Hans Gruber:
What idiot put you in charge?

Holly Gennero McClane:
You did. When you murdered my boss. Now everyone’s looking to me. Personally, I’d pass on the job. I don’t enjoy being this close to you.

Hans Gruber:
You *can* unlock the vault, can’t you?

You didn’t bring me along for my charming personality.

John McClane:
Welcome to the party pal.

Hans Gruber:
Nice suit. John Phillips, London. I have two myself. Rumor has it Arafat buys his there.

Dwayne T. Robinson:
God, I hope that’s not a hostage.

Woah. That guy looks *really* pissed.

Holly Gennero McClane:
He’s still alive.


Holly Gennero McClane:
Only John can drive somebody that crazy.

Big Johnson:
Just like fuckin’ Saigon ain’t it, Slick?

Little Johnson:
I was in junior high, dickhead.

Hans Gruber:
I am going to count to three, there will not be a four. Give me the code.

John McClane:
Is the building on fire?

Sergeant Al Powell:
No, but it’s gonna need a paint job and a shit load of screen doors.

John McClane:
Merry Christmas, Argyle.

Merry Christmas.

Man, if this is their idea of Christmas, I *gotta* be here for New Year’s.

John McClane:
So this is what it’s about, Hans? A fucking robbery?

Hans Gruber:
Well, when you steal $600, you can just disappear. But when you steal $600 million, they will find you, unless they think you’re already dead.

John McClane:
You would have made a pretty good cowboy yourself, Hans.

Hans Gruber:
What was it you said to me earlier? “Yippie-kay-ya, motherfucker.”

John McClane:
Just like I heard your brother squeal. When I broke his fucking neck.

Harry Ellis:
Hey, sprechen ze talk?

You’ll just have to kill me.

Hans Gruber:

Dwayne T. Robinson:
I got a hundred people down here and they’re all covered in glass.

John McClane:
Glass? Who gives a shit about glass? Who the fuck is this?

Dwayne T. Robinson:
This is Deputy Chief Dwayne T. Robinson, and I am in charge here.

John McClane:
Oh you’re in charge? Well I got news for you *Dwayne*, from up here it doesn’t look like you’re in charge of jack shit.

Dwayne T. Robinson:
You listen to me you little asshole.

John McClane:
Asshole? I’m not the one who just got butt-fucked on national TV, *Dwayne*.

So, why didn’t you come with her man? What’s up?

John McClane:
‘Cause I’m a New York cop. I got a six-month backlog on New York scumbags I’m still trying to put behind bars. I can’t just pick up and go that easy.

John McClane:
I promise I will never even THINK about going up in a tall building again. Oh, god. Please don’t let me die.

Hans Gruber:
You an American?

John McClane:
Only if New Jersey counts.

Put down the gun, and give me my detonators.

John McClane:
Well, well, well… Hans.

Put it down now.

John McClane:
That was pretty tricky with that accent. You oughta be on fucking TV with that accent. But what do you want with the detonators, Hans? I already used all the explosives. Or did I?

I’m going to count to three…

John McClane:
Yeah, like you did with Takagi?

John McClane:
Ooops, no bullets. What do you think, I’m fucking stupid, Hans?

You were saying?

Mr. Takagi, I could talk about men’s fashion and industrialization all day but I’m afraid work must intrude, and my associate Theo has some questions for you, sort of fill in the blanks questions…

Sergeant Al Powell:
The man is hurting! He’s alone, he’s tired, he hasn’t seen half of what we’ve seen down here… and you’re going to stand there and tell me that he’s going to give a damn about what you do to him, IF he makes it out of there alive? Why don’t you wake up and smell what you shovel in?

Touching, Cowboy. Touching. Or should I call you Mr McClane? Mr Officer John McClane of the New York Police Department?

John McClane:
Sister Teresa called me Mr McClane in the Third Grade. My friends call me John… and you’re neither shithead

John McClane:
Drop it, dickhead. It’s the police.

You’re not going to hurt me.

John McClane:
Oh, yeah? Why not?

Because you’re a policeman. There are rules for policemen.

John McClane:
Yeah. That’s what my captain keeps telling me.

John McClane:
Genario Motherfucker

The following people are to be released from their captors : In Northern Ireland, the seven members of the New Provo Front. In Canada, the five imprisoned leaders of Liberte de Quebec… In Sri Lanka, the nine members of the Asian Dawn movement…

Asian Dawn Movement?

I read about them in Time magazine

Gail Wallens:
Author of “Hostage Terrorist, Terrorist Hostage: A study in duality.” Dr. Hasseldorf, what can we expect in the next few hours?

Dr. Hasseldorf:
Well, Gail, by this time the hostages will be going through the early stages of the Helsinki Syndrome.

Harvey Johnson:
As in Helsinki, Sweden.

Dr. Hasseldorf:

Sergeant Al Powell:
I shot a kid.

Children: [singing] One, two, Freddy’s coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door. Five, six, grab your crucifix. Seven, eight, gonna stay up late. Nine, ten, never sleep again…

Nancy: I know you’re there Freddy.
Freddy Krueger: You think you was gonna get away from me?
Nancy: I know you too well, Freddy.
Freddy Krueger: Now you die.
Nancy: It’s too late, Krueger. I know the secret now. This is just a dream. You’re not alive. This whole thing is just a dream.
[she turns around and faces him]
Nancy: I want my mother and friends again.
Freddy Krueger: You what?
Nancy: I take back every bit of energy I gave you. You’re nothing. You’re shit.


I’ve walked a white line my entire life, I’m not about to screw that up.

White line’s in the middle of the road, that’s the worst place to drive.

Life’s a bitch, and she’s back in heat!

I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I’m all out of bubblegum.

The Golden Rule: He who has the gold, makes the rules.

Street Preacher:
This world may have blinded me, but the Lord has let me see.

I don’t like this one bit. Not one bit.

Wooo. It’s like a drug. Wearing these glasses gets you high, but you come down hard.

You see, I take these glasses off, she looks like a regular person…

…on: formaldehyde face.

You, you’re ok. This one, real fuckin’ ugly.

You… you look like your face fell in the cheese dip back in 1956.

Street Preacher:
Outside the limit of our sight, feeding off us, perched on top of us, from birth to death, are our owners! Our owners! They have us. They control us! They are our masters! Wake up! They’re all about you! All around you!

The world needs a wake up call gentlemen… we’re gonna phone it in.

Bearded Man:
We could be pets, we could be food, but all we really are is livestock.

Mama don’t tattletales.