(70,000 Tons Of Metal Cruise) Interview With Thomas Youngblood From Kamelot

Posted: 10/26/2011 in 70,000 Tons Of Metal Cruise, Music

Interview done by Michael Wilkerson

MW: What is the plan for the next Kamelot release?

TY: We are in the writing process now and plan to be in the studio by February. We are working on a Sept/Oct 2012 release followed by a massive World Tour.

MW: What tours have you gone on this year?

TY: We started in Europe and returned in the Spring, followed by a South American     Tour and we just came off a North American tour.

MW: What tours can we expect for 2012?

TY: Europe (2 Legs), South America, Japan/Australia, North America…we are going to be busy.

MW: Kamelot Is doing 70,000 Tons Of Metal Cruise. How did it come about?

TY: It was a last minute thing offered to us on the US Tour. We had an offer for last year and the scheduling didnt work, so this time we are excited about doing it. I have a lot of good friends also playing the ship and of course the Kamelot Nation will be there in force!

MW: Has Kamelot ever do a cruise like this?

TY: No, its the first time. We had some offers in Europe but this is the first one we said yes to. I see a Kamelot Cruise somewhere on the horizon!

MW: What do you think of the music scene in the USA?

TY: Its interesting…some bands are doing very well here, while others seem to struggle getting people in the doors. I am not too intuned to the scene since I travel quite a bit.

MW: How would you describe the sound of  Kamelot?

TY: We blend symphonic metal with power, prog and other elements to make our own sound. Never really any rules with us in terms of music, we can have an accordion in one song and an opera singer in another.  Ask a fan, they can give you a better idea 😉

MW: How is Kamelot following in the rest of the world?

TY: We are fortunate to have a strong fan base around the world, Europe is probably our strongest market with the US, Japan and South America coming in after, but not too far.

MW: What would you like to say in closing?

TY: Thanks for the time, look out for the next steps from Kamelot!! It will be a killer ride! Thanks to all the Kamelot Fans around the world, Audentis Fortuna Iuvat!!

  1. Dave Roberts says:

    Keep up the great work, Thomas. And It is totally true: your fan base is unwavering in its loyalty and appreciation for your music, and we are all looking forward to seeing what the next chapter holds.

  2. […] Thomas Youngblood from metal band Kamelot 10/26/11 […]

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