Interview with Claire Bronson – (Dr. Candace Jenner/TS-19) – From The Walking Dead TV Series On AMC

Posted: 02/22/2014 in Television, The Walking Dead



Interview Done By Mike Wilkerson

MW: Please introduce yourself?
CB: Claire Bronson – actor, wife of Scott Poythress, dog-lover…

MW: How would fans of The Walking Dead TV show on AMC know you?
CB: I played Dr. Candace Jenner. However, my scene was cut, so they would simply know me as TS-19.

MW: How did you get cast as Dr. Candace Jenner/TS-19 on The Walking Dead? CB: I auditioned.

MW: What did you think when you got cast to be on the Walking Dead?
CB: I was ecstatic.

MW: Were you ever on the set?
CB: Yes, when I shot my scene.

MW: Did you know what you were getting yourself into?
CB: I knew the show would be a success given the already built-in fan base that the graphic novel had…and the fact that it was Darabont at the helm.

MW: How crazy is it that your character could be the key to the outbreak?
CB: Candace was an expert in the field of virology.

MW: I think later we will see more about you on The Walking Dead what do you think?
CB: You’d have to ask the writers.

MW: Would you come back in season 5 as another character or walker if asked? CB: A character, yes…a walker, no.

MW: Who is your favorite character?
CB: I’m pretty partial to Carol.

MW: Do many fans try to reach out to you?
CB: I don’t know about many, but yea, some do.

MW: Have you done any conventions as a guest yet?
CB: No.

MW: What new conventions in 2014 will you be at?
CB: None.

MW: Who is the coolest actor on The Walking Dead to work with?
CB: Well, I didn’t work with him on TWD, but I did really enjoy acting opposite David Morrissey on a pilot we shot end of last year. Great script and really fabulous people, in front of and behind the camera. Definitely have my fingers crossed for that one.

MW: Tell me about being Janie Kendall on Banshee?
CB: Poor Janie just got the short end of the stick. She really got put through the ringer – but as an actor, it was the kind of juicy stuff that you love to sink your teeth into.

MW: What else are you doing other then The Walking Dead?
CB: Some of the things I’ve got going on right now are… Three pilots I recently shot – Resurrection, Line of Sight, and Complications – all of which are solid projects. I had a fun role on Fox’s new show, Sleepy Hollow, last fall. I’m recurring on a new show for CBS, called Reckless, that will be airing later this year.

MW: What would you like to say in closing?
CB: I’m a full-time, working actor. I appreciate all of it, and never lose sight of how lucky I am to be doing what I love for a living. The most important part of all of this is the people that enjoy the stories that we help to tell – so thank you, for being a fan.

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